Dear Readers,
By Jesus,It's Christ's Birthday!
A very Merry Christmas to all of you!
Eat,drink,be hale and hearty before Ladykiller arrives.
Santa Jhunjhunwala has to make a few stops,HO!HO!HO!

Also don't forget to read PART 2 of my Interview with Blogadda.com (Read Part 1 here)
Once Again,A very Merry Christmas to all,HO!Ho!Ho!
Eh,Shankar Sharma ,no gift for you.Bloody Bear Kahika.
By Jesus,It's Christ's Birthday!
A very Merry Christmas to all of you!
Eat,drink,be hale and hearty before Ladykiller arrives.
Santa Jhunjhunwala has to make a few stops,HO!HO!HO!

Also don't forget to read PART 2 of my Interview with Blogadda.com (Read Part 1 here)
Once Again,A very Merry Christmas to all,HO!Ho!Ho!
Eh,Shankar Sharma ,no gift for you.Bloody Bear Kahika.